Current weather data in Conil

Sun, wind, waves and rain are not only of interest to water sports enthusiasts. Some long for the wind, others want to know when the wind will decrease again.

For kitesurfers, windsurfers, surfers, sailors, paragliders and all those who are waiting for the perfect breeze or calm wind, provides great details.

On this website the weather widget of GmbH & Co.KG is integrated. To display the weather data, your IP address is transmitted to GmbH & Co.KG. No other personal data will be transmitted. Your IP address is logged by GmbH & Co.KG for technical reasons and deleted after 7 days.

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Important telephone numbers

Below is a compilation of important telephone numbers, emergency numbers and information for emergencies and also general information about staying and holidaying in Conil.

Emergency numbers

  • Emergency call: 112
  • Emergencias Sanitarias (emergency doctor / ambulance): 061 or 112
  • Bomberos Conil (fire brigade): 080 or 085
  • Policía local (Conil POLICE): 956 440 125 or 092
    Calle Camino de Chiclana, Conil
  • Guardia Civil (Police – Periphery & Traffic): 956 440 124 or 062
    Calle Carretera, Conil
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